How to Increase Executive Visibility on Social Media

As part of increasing brand awareness and visibility for your company, it’s essential not to skip out on your own social media profiles as an executive or member of the c-suite. Likely, you are the face of the company, and making sure your social media is buttoned up and active is a crucial step in maintaining good PR

Whether you’re just starting out or have had Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook profiles for years, here are five ways to increase executive visibility on social media. 

Clean up and optimize your profiles 

This may seem obvious, but it’s imperative that your social profiles are buttoned up and used to their full potential in order to increase visibility. Have you filled out all the sections on your LinkedIn profile? Is your LinkedIn headline optimized for your industry? Set your LinkedIn profile to allow anyone to follow you by turning on Creator Mode, and make sure your DMs are open on Twitter. Don’t forget this crucial step when getting started on increasing your executive visibility

Define the purpose of each social media profile 

While sharing the same content across all your social media pages is tempting, it’s not something we recommend doing. Provide value to your followers and make it worthwhile for them to follow you on all platforms. On LinkedIn, share your wins, accolades, and awards – treat it as a place to share updates relating to your professional life. On Twitter, share real-time thoughts and updates, speak to current news in your industry, and retweet others’ content with a comment (also known as a quote retweet.) Instagram and Facebook are great for sharing more personal updates. Instagram stories are a great way to share your day-to-day life. Show your face and talk directly to your audience.  

Share your work 

Don’t be afraid to show off what you do and humbly brag about yourself. After all, you are an expert in your field, and you should express that to your audience. Did you recently contribute an article to a major publication? Did your company make an exciting announcement? Be proud of your work! You worked hard to get to this place.

Provide followers with your expertise 

Along with sharing your work, there is great value in providing your audience with your vast knowledge relating to your industry. After all, that’s likely why they follow you. You’re successful, and you got there somehow, so share that with them. What advice can you give to other folks hoping to make it up in the ranks within your industry? How did you get your start? Transparency and authenticity will go a long way with your audience and allow them to put their trust in you as an industry leader. 

Engage with your community! 

Social media is meant to be social, so engage with your audience. Spark conversation out of them and then participate in those conversations. Allow your audience to feel heard just as much as they hear you. 

An executive dressed in business attire looking at their phone.


  1. Complete your LinkedIn profile
  2. Add a LinkedIn headline (for search optimization)
  3. Turn on Creator Mode on your LinkedIn profile to allow others to follow you
  4. Open your Twitter DMs
  5. Share your wins, accolades, and awards on LinkedIn
  6. Share real-time thoughts, updates, and speak to current news in your industry on Twitter
  7. Share personal updates on Instagram and Facebook

Need help increasing your executive visibility? When we work together, you and your brand do more than show up. You show up with a story, a purpose, a unique reason for being – and you make an impact. At Segal Communications, we become an extension of your team – we work fast to get to know you and your brand and make sure we’re keeping you and your company relevant on social media. 

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