When it comes to PR, the food, beverage, and restaurant industries carry a reputation of providing an exciting media landscape that is constantly evolving. In recent years, food influencers have become an integral addition to that landscape.
A recent study found that influencer marketing in the food industry led to a 16% increase in purchase intent. Here at Segal, we’ve learned to capitalize on that momentum by utilizing influencers to help drive campaigns for a number of our clients.
Today we are going to dive into a few strategies for public relations professionals on how to source and succeed in working with the right food influencers for your next campaign.
Utilize Your Inner FBI Agent
When sourcing a batch of foodie influencers that align with your client/brand, don’t be afraid to do a bit of digging on their online profiles. What establishments are they frequenting? What’s their favorite cuisine? Do they opt for savory or sweet treats? Knowing the answers to these questions can help you understand an influencer’s tastes/preferences and whether they’d enjoy your product enough to promote it. For example, when sourcing influencers for our client Johnny Doughnuts, we make sure to keep an eye out for people with a sweet tooth that often post dessert-forward content.
Work With Fans
Convincing an influencer to promote your product is easier when they’re already a fan! If you’re lucky enough to catch an account with an impressive following posting about your product by their own accord, don’t miss out on the opportunity to establish a connection for future collaborations.
Lay it on Thick
The only thing fuller than a food influencer’s stomach is their inbox. Content creators are constantly getting flooded with emails and DM’s asking to collab, so how do you make sure you’re not drowning in the sea of standard pitches? Be complimentary! Express genuine interest in the influence’s content and don’t be afraid to point out or reference specific posts you love and what about them stood out. This shows the influencer that you’ve taken the time to get to appreciate them as a person rather than just a promotional tool.
Don’t Shy Away From Freebies
If Costco’s beloved in-store samples have proven anything it’s that people are more likely to show interest in a product if they’ve been introduced to it free of charge. This couldn’t be more true when it comes to influencer marketing. Free samples allow influencers to try your product and decide for themselves if it’s something they’d want to promote. While this may not be entirely cost-efficient, generosity goes a long way when working towards securing a successful collaboration, so make sure to set aside a budget for sampling.
Maintain the Connection
Once you’ve secured the bag with a food influencer, hold on to that connection for dear life. Good long-standing relationships are hard to come by in the world of influencer marketing so make sure to keep that person in the loop for future projects, campaigns, or product launches.
The Takeaway
Utilizing influencer marketing in your food public relations efforts is a great way to expose your campaign or product to an extensive and diverse audience and create meaningful mutually-beneficial connections within the social media landscape.
Ready to take the leap on an influencer marketing program for your brand? Reach us at [email protected] to get started.