
Two women thought leaders podcasting - Photo by George Milton

What is a Thought Leader and Why Would I Want to Be One?

If you’re starting the process of hiring a PR agency, you may hear a few unfamiliar industry terms: media lists, inbound opportunities, proactive pitching, and more. 

Thought leadership is another widely used term in PR that may sound confusing at first. Don’t worry—we’re here to explain what thought leadership is, and why you should add thought leadership to your PR strategy. 

What is a thought leader?

Being a thought leader involves establishing yourself or someone in your company as an authority within a particular industry or field. This is done by consistently sharing valuable insights, credible expertise, and innovative ideas. 

Thought leaders possess a deep knowledge and expertise in their respective fields, showcasing a thorough understanding of industry trends, challenges, and opportunities. They also have a strong presence within their industry, actively engaging with their audience through channels like blogs, social media, speaking engagements, and media interviews. 

Why would I want to be a thought leader?

Positioning yourself or someone in your company as a thought leader can enhance your and your brand’s credibility, visibility, and influence. It’s an opportunity to:

  • Demonstrate your expertise and knowledge in your field, building credibility and trust;
  • Differentiate yourself from your competitors by sharing unique perspectives, innovative ideas, and a deep understanding of industry challenges and opportunities;
  • Expand your network and attract new opportunities for collaboration, speaking engagements, media interviews, and partnerships by showing a willingness to engage;  
  • Initiate thoughtful discussions that have the power to drive positive change within your industry. 

Thought leaders often become go-to sources for media commentary and expert opinions, so on top of the above reasons, thought leadership is also a useful tool for increasing PR coverage and building relationships with key reporters. 

Useful strategies for thought leadership

As your PR agency develops your PR plan, they may employ the following tools to establish you as a thought leader in your field: 

  • Creating content, including blogs, case studies, and social media posts; 
  • Applying for speaking engagements at industry conferences, webinars, and panel discussions;
  • Actively seeking out media opportunities to share your insights and commentary, offering you as a resource to journalists. 

By proactively implementing these strategies and consistently demonstrating industry expertise, individuals and brands can effectively position themselves as thought leaders, enhancing their influence and credibility. The process can take time, but the payoff is certainly worth it.